Relax, Restore & Replenish
6:30 PM18:30

Relax, Restore & Replenish

Have you ever wanted to stay longer in savasana?

Stop running, leave your to-do list at home and enjoy this restorative yoga workshop designed to create a deep release in your body and your mind!

We will start with gentle movement and quiet breathing exercises before we let go of all muscular effort. Restorative yoga consists of long holds in comfortable poses supported by props like blankets and bolsters. You will first notice where you hold tension physically and mentally and then slowly begin to let go and soften, allowing you to completely relax and calm your nervous system. The deep mental and physical release will create space for transformation, and nurturing hands-on assists will move you towards a peaceful replenishment of body and spirit.

All levels are welcome.

Students say that "a restorative yoga class with Helene is like a spa for the body and for the mind”.

To sign up, please visit Om Factory Relax, Restore & Replenish Workshop

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Cours de Yoga pour danseurs de Tango
8:00 PM20:00

Cours de Yoga pour danseurs de Tango

C’est en tant que danseuse de tango et professeur de Yoga qu'Hélène Kerhervé vous invite à découvrir ou à approfondir votre connaissance du yoga, avec des exercices spécialement conçus pour donner un souffle nouveau à votre tango. Au programme, vous aider à développer la conscience du corps et du mouvement dans l’écoute de soi et de l’autre.

- Après avoir travaillé la concentration par des exercices de respiration profonde, nous aborderons des poses de yoga dans un ordre de difficulté croissante et nous les enchainerons progressivement tout en observant la respiration : qui ne s’est jamais retrouvé en apnée au beau milieu d’une tanda :-) ?

- Puis nous travaillerons certaines poses par groupes de deux ou trois, en apprenant à écouter l’autre sans s’oublier soi-même.

- Enfin, le stage se terminera par une séance de relaxation profonde, qui vous laissera plein d’énergie pour la pratique qui suivra immédiatement après de 21H15 à 23H30.

Le yoga offre de nombreux bénéfices à la fois physiques et mentaux : il apporte la force, la flexibilité, la concentration, l’équilibre et la sérénité qui sont des qualités indispensables pour le tango.

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Inversions: Conquer Your Fears
2:00 PM14:00

Inversions: Conquer Your Fears

Are you dreaming of doing a headstand in the middle of the yoga room? Are you afraid of trying to balance on your hands with or without using the wall? If the answer to either of these questions is YES, then this amazing, fun, and dynamic workshop is for you!

Helene Kerherve is an experienced E-RYT 500 yoga instructor and is excited to share the fundamentals and mechanics of inversions in this workshop designed for yoga practitioners of all levels. Overcoming your fears is a key element of building self confidence, as well as building a strong foundation for safely inverting in your yoga practice. Come and learn step-by-step how to mindfully practice inversions such as headstand, forearm stand and handstand.

To sign up, please visit Om Factory Inversions: Conquer Your Fears Workshop.

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Aerial Yoga for Beginners: A Fundraiser for Children with Autism
2:00 PM14:00

Aerial Yoga for Beginners: A Fundraiser for Children with Autism

Suggested Donation: $30, $50 or $100
(100% of proceeds will go to charity)

Please join Hélène, in cooperation with Om Factory, for this fundraiser for children with autism.

This benefit class will be an introduction to Aerial Yoga, revisiting classical yoga poses and exploring elements of aerial acrobatics. Students of all levels will learn to flip and fly with the support of a soft fabric. You will gain body awareness, increase your strength and flexibility, have a lot of fun and get great photos of yourself upside down at the end of the class!

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